
AngKongKeng.com 是马来西亚唯一的双语华人祭祀、历史与文化资讯网。缘起多年前,我们发现很多人对祖先与神明祭祀、庙宇历史,华人传统文化及大马华人历史一知半解;然而这些文化及历史和我们的生活是息息相关,于是建立了链接全国华人祭祀,记录各地华人历史,保留与分享民间收集来的文物,推广文物保护与文化旅游的资讯网。目前在AngKongKeng.com,大家可以轻易浏览超过1,000间华人祭祀相关组织、神明介绍、各组织提供的服务、活动、庆典、供奉的神明等等。

AngKongKeng.com 通过网络推广及举办各项活动向世界展现马来西亚丰富的华人祭祀文化与文物古迹。同时促进全马各州之间的交流,让更多人对华人祭祀相关组织、神明、传统文化及历史古迹有新的认识。

AngKongKeng.com 网站用户类型:
  • 中英文用户
  • 大众、各华人祭祀组织理事与会员、香客、游客、商家、学者、文化研究者等等
  • 超过88%是年龄介于13 ~ 44岁
  • 60%是男性、40%是女性
AngKongKeng.com 的宗旨和目标:
  • 了解、保留与传承文化
  • 带动本土文化、本地品牌、文化旅游与地方经济
  • 制造就业机会与商机
  • 平衡物质、文化与心灵生活
  • 提供开放的平台于所有庙宇、乡团及中小微型商家

庙宇欲加入我们,请点击阅览庙宇加入AngKongKeng.com .

大众欲加入我们,请点击阅览大众加入AngKongKeng.com .

商家欲加入我们,请点击阅览商家加入AngKongKeng.com .

AngKongKeng.com, the One and Only bilingual Chinese temples, history & cultural tourism in Malaysia. As a lot of people have very little knowledge about Chinese deities and temples, this directory is a useful guide for those who want to learn more and also as a reference for devotees. Besides being a temple directory, the website also acts as a repository of artefacts and relics in Malaysia. This information portal aims to serve as a platform that consolidates and connects all temples in Malaysia.

AngKongKeng.com shows the world about rich temple culture and Chinese heritage in Malaysia through effective online marketing and by organizing various activities. At the same time, AngKongKeng.com also encourages exchange between temples. Users can now easily search, browse and access to over 1,000 temples’ information, deities’ information and birth dates, temple activities and so on.

For further information on the temple directory OR sponsor advertisement may contact Ms. Lim (mobile: +6010-3954199) for more information.

AngKongKeng.com Website User Types:
  • Chinese/English Language Users
  • Public, Temples' Committees & Members, Pilgrims, Tourists, Businessmen, Researchers and etc.
  • More than 88% are between ages 13 and 44
  • 60% are Male, 40% are Female
AngKongKeng.com Aims & Objectives:
  • Understand, Preserve & Promote Culture
  • Promote Local Culture, Local Brands, Cultural Tourism and Local Economy Development
  • Create Jobs & Business Opportunities
  • Balance the Spiritual & Cultural Life in the Materialistic World
  • Provide open platform for all Chinese worship and cultural related organisation and businesses

We encourage everyone to respect each other by respecting every cultures & belief systems.